miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Who says she’s a great teacher? ¿Quién dice que ella es una gran maestra?

La evaluación del profesorado es un asunto tremendamente delicado a la vez que importante y necesario. Siempre que se haga con las garantías y los medios adecuados. Nunca para fines no confesables. Y desde luego bajo los principios de la ética y el interés general.
España tiene un importantísimo déficit en este asunto. Aquí es fácil ejercer la profesión 40 o más años y no tener que superar ninguna evaluación en el ejercicio profesional, salvo que solicites licencias por estudio, o participes en algún otro concurso en el que esté implícita dicha evaluación.
Sería tremendamente útil estudiar y valorar lo que hace que el profesorado tenga las cualidades y características que le hacen un gran profesional de la educación, con altos niveles de eficacia y eficiencia. Ello sin  duda nos ayudaría a mejorar los sistemas educativos. Pero la cuestión no es fácil ni sencilla.
El informe TALIS de la OCDE, realizado en 23 países y publicado en 2009, aporta algunas luces entre tanta sombra de una profesión de la que se habla y dice mucho, pero faltan evidencias científicas que nos puedan ayudar a mejorar.
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 01:00 AM PDT
by Andreas Schleicher
Deputy Director for Education and Skills, Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary General
Most of us have been lucky enough to have had at least one great teacher in our lifetime: a teacher who inspired us to work hard and take risks, who opened up new worlds for us; a teacher whom we remember years, even decades, after the brief intersection of our two lives as someone who changed the course of our life or deepened the meaning of it.

(La traducción es mía)

La mayoría de nosotros hemos tenido la suerte de haber tenido al menos un gran maestro/a en nuestra vida. Un maestro/a que nos inspiró el trabajar duro y tomar riesgos, quien nos abrió nuevo mundos, un maestros a los que recordamos años, incluso décadas, después de un cruce breve en nuestras vidas, como alguien que cambió el curso de nuestras vidas o profundizó en el sentido de la misma.

What makes a teacher great? And who gets to decide? Students? Parents? Fellow teachers? Principals?

There are some countries where mentioning the phrase “teacher evaluation” around educators, teachers’ union leaders and policy makers provokes a rise in the ambient temperature. Teachers in the United States and France have gone on strike over the issue and Britain’s teachers’ unions and those that represent head teachers found themselves on opposite sides of a recent debate about whether to base teachers’ pay on their performance.

Nearly everyone agrees that school systems need to find a way to encourage promising teachers, reward those who have demonstrated their effectiveness, and remove underperforming teachers from the profession. And in the 23 countries that participated in OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), 83% of teachers who had received appraisal and feedback considered them to be fair assessments of their work; of those, 78.6% found that the appraisals were helpful in developing their work as teachers. But agreement on how to measure teachers’ skills is harder to come by.

Teacher-appraisal systems in most countries are still a work-in-progress – where they exist at all. Some 13% of teachers in countries that participated in TALIS had never received any feedback or appraisal of their work from any source. This is partly because such systems may be costly – in money and time – to design and maintain. More often, though, it’s because there is no consensus on what criteria should be used to measure teacher performance (student test scores? a teacher’s ability to engage a classroom full of students? students’ and/or parents’ opinions? some or all of the above?); who should do the measuring (an inspector from a central education authority? the school principal? fellow teachers?); and how the results of an evaluation or appraisal should be used (to determine salary? to shape the trajectory of a career? to signal professional-development needs? to weed out ineffective practitioners?).

Stakeholders are already beginning to find common ground on a few issues. They note, for example, that while student test scores offer important information, they cannot provide a complete picture of teaching quality; multiple sources of evidence are needed for that. And they agree that teacher-appraisal systems must be part of a holistic approach to the teaching profession that includes high-quality teacher training and professional development, attractive working conditions, nurturing school leaders, and engaging teachers in innovation and reform.

The subject of teacher evaluation came up briefly during the first two International Summits on the Teaching Profession, both held in New York. This week, participants at the third Summit, which is being held in Amsterdam and hosted by the OECD, Education International and the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands, will be examining the issue in depth from their various perspectives as teachers, union leaders, education ministers and experts in education – and perhaps, too, as former students who may have once had a great teacher. Consensus might be too ambitious a goal for this meeting; but a lively – not to say provocative and passionate – discussion is all but assured.

Third annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession, 13-14 March 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Teachers for the 21st Century: Using Evaluation to Improve Teaching
Related blog: A class act: giving teachers feedback
Follow the summit on twitter: #ISTP2013
Photo credit: Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Blend Images/Corbis

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